Columbia Assault with a Deadly Weapon Lawyer

In the State of South Carolina, assault with a deadly weapon is considered a serious criminal offense. The level of crime that assault with a deadly weapon is classified as in Columbia depends on which offense an individual is charged with. It does not matter whether it is the first degree, a high and aggravated nature, or attempted murder, they are all considered felony offenses.

If convicted, individuals could face severe penalties such as a prison sentence of up to 30 years. It is best to seek help from a skilled assault attorney who has experience handling assault cases. If you have been charged with assault and battery, let a Columbia assault with a deadly weapon lawyer help you fight the charges. They could work to help reduce the charges and help you avoid the consequences of a conviction.

Defining Assault With A Deadly Weapon

According to Columbia Law, there is no statute directly addressing assault with a deadly weapon. There are varying degrees of assault and battery, including:

When a deadly weapon is involved, the offense is considered to be attempted murder, assault, and battery with a high and aggravated nature or assault and battery in the first degree. The difference between the various offenses is the nuances with attempted murder. A person has the specific intent to kill, which is an essential element to that crime. It is best to speak to a knowledgeable Columbia assault with a deadly weapon lawyer to understand the charges and the penalties associated with each offense.

Assault And Battery Of A High And Aggravated Nature

First-degree assault and battery is the next step down from assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. All of these are felonies assault and battery first degree. It carries up to ten years in prison as a maximum sentence. Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature is a felony offense that carries up to 20 years as a maximum sentence. Attempted murder is a felony that carries a maximum sentence of up to 30 years in prison.

Objects That Are Considered Deadly Weapons in Colombia

Some examples of objects that are considered a deadly weapon in Columbia include a gun, a shotgun, a rifle, and any other firearm. Another type of deadly weapon is a knife or stabbing instrument. Other things that could be used as a deadly weapon that is not as common includes a motor vehicle. For example, if somebody tried to run another person over, the vehicle could be considered a deadly weapon.

Ordinary objects could also be considered a deadly weapon in assault cases. For example, if a person tried to hit someone in the head with a baseball bat or hammer, those common objects would become a deadly weapon. A diligent defense attorney in Columbia could review the facts of the case and help determine whether the object involved is considered deadly.

Speak to a Columbia Assault with a Deadly Weapon Attorney Today

If convicted for felony assault with a deadly weapon, individuals could face a maximum of up to 30 years in prison. You do not need to fight the charges alone. A Columbia assault with a deadly weapon lawyer could collect evidence, review the prosecution’s case and help you build a strong defense. Let a tenacious defense attorney help your case. Call today to schedule a consultation.