Lexington Fraud Lawyer

A charge of fraud can bring with it serious consequences if the person is convicted. In the majority of fraud cases in Lexington, the crime is classified as a felony and conviction can result in a prison sentence and hefty fine, in addition to mandated restitution.

If you were charged with, or are being investigated for, a fraudulent crime, contact a Lexington fraud lawyer for assistance. A seasoned fraud attorney has experience defending clients charged with fraud and can fight for your rights to potentially dismiss the charges or argue for a not guilty verdict.

In circumstances where the accused did commit fraud, a distinguished criminal lawyer can work diligently to either have the charges reduced and/or work out a plea agreement with the prosecution to reduce the harshness of the penalty the court may impose.

Possible Penalties for Fraud Convictions

There are several types of penalties a judge may sentence an individual convicted of fraud.The harshest penalty a person can receive for a fraud conviction is a prison sentence. Since South Carolina classifies fraud crimes as felonies, the convicted person is usually placed in South Carolina Department of Corrections, or SCDC, if their sentence includes incarceration.

This differs from incarceration for misdemeanor convictions, which are usually served in county jails. The amount of time a person spends in prison depends on the crime. However, a Lexington lawyer knows that a conviction for fraud charges can bring with it up to ten years.

What is the Likelihood of Probation?

In some cases, the trial judge may sentence a convicted individual to probation. Although in most cases this means the person avoids incarceration, probation involves stringent rules that must be followed, and significantly limits freedom.

The individual will be required to check in with a probation officer, maintain regular employment, submit to random drug tests, and any other rules imposed by the court or probation officer. It is also not uncommon for a probation officer to conduct unannounced home visits to ensure the individual is adhering to all rules.

What Are the Common Fraud Penalties?

In addition to prison and/or probation, the court will also likely impose fines as part of sentencing. The amount of the fine, just like the length of incarceration, is usually determined by the dollar amount of the fraud and can range from $1,000 all the way up to $10,000.

No matter the type of penalty imposed by the court, the court will also likely order the individual to make restitution to those harmed. For example, if a bookkeeper is convicted of embezzling from their employer, they would be required to pay back the total amount embezzled as part of their sentence. A skilled attorney can assess a specific fraud case to determine what penalties someone in Lexington may face.

Importance of Speaking with a Lexington Fraud Attorney

The main factors that can be examined include whether there is enough evidence for a charge or conviction and whether there was intent to commit fraud, as well as any other factors relevant to the case.

If you are being investigated for fraud or were already charged, a Lexington fraud lawyer can examine the case being built against you and determine its strength. Call now to discuss your defense.

Lexington Fraud Lawyer