Columbia Statutory Rape Lawyer
In South Carolina, statutory rape refers to when an adult has any sexual relations or does anything in a sexual nature with a minor. A statutory rape case is entirely based on the minor’s age, and the law says that the minor is not able to consent on their own.
Those who have been charged with statutory rape should seek help from a seasoned sex crimes attorney as soon as possible. A Columbia statutory rape lawyer could build a defense to help you avoid the hefty consequences of a conviction.
What are the Romeo and Juliet Laws?
Romeo and Juliet clauses or laws are based on how the ages are listed in the statutes, and it exists because it does not criminalize two people that are very close in age. In South Carolina, anyone under the age of 17 years old is considered a minor. The age of consent for sexual intercourse is 16 years old. For instance, If someone was 15 years old and having an intimate, sexual intercourse relationship with someone who was 17 years of age, this clause is put into place to protect the 17-year-old from facing sex crimes charges. Romeo and Juliet’s laws also allow room for individuals not to be charged if they are so close in age.
The cut-off for Romeo and Juliet laws is 14 years old. There is no way to consent, even under the Romeo and Juliet laws, below the age of 14. For more information about these laws and how they apply to a case, reach out to a knowledgeable Columbia statutory rape attorney.
Importance of Hiring an Experienced Lawyer
An individual facing statutory rape charges should reach out to an experienced legal professional as soon as possible. A defendant should want to find someone who has defended rape charges and who has jury trial experience fighting rape charges.
There are many legal motions, defenses, and tactics that could be used by defense attorneys to fight the specific offenses of criminal sexual conduct. An accomplished statutory rape lawyer in Columbia will build defenses in these types of cases by looking at several different factors. One of those factors is whether the complaining witness lied intentionally and maliciously deceived the defendant into believing that they were of age. Also, they will look at how the minor concealed, lied, and manipulated their age in deceiving the person who was an adult.
Contacting a Columbia Statutory Rape Attorney
If you are facing statutory rape charges, consult with a dedicated attorney immediately. A Columbia statutory rape lawyer could investigate the case and determine the most effective way to defend against these allegations. The sooner you call an attorney, the sooner they could begin fighting for you. Call today and set up a consultation.