Columbia Reckless Driving By Speed Consequences

In Columbia, reckless driving is a misdemeanor offense. There are many consequences an individual could face if convicted. If the individual had a clean driving record, a conviction would result in six points against their license and up to thirty days in jail. If they have a future traffic violation, they could be putting their driver’s license in jeopardy and putting themselves in a position in which their driver’s license is suspended.

After being charged with reckless driving, it is best to speak to an experienced defense attorney. They could help you understand the Columbia reckless driving by speed consequences and help you build a defense.

Collateral Consequences of a Conviction

One of the Columbia reckless driving by speed consequences is possible license suspension. If an individual’s driver’s license is suspended, they are going to have a hard time with transportation to work. If they are trying to get a job, they would not want an employer seeing reckless driving conviction on their criminal record.

Additionally, if an individual has a reckless driving conviction on their record, and it was not a reduction from a driving under the influence (DUI) charge, they could be stereotyped. Somebody could make the false assumption that they were initially charged with a DUI and that it was pled down to a reckless. A diligent attorney could work to mitigate the charges.

Penalties for CDL Drivers

A Columbia reckless driving by speed consequences could affect a commercial driver’s personal or commercial license. A commercial driver’s livelihood is tied to the CDL, so if they get a reckless driving charge, their company may terminate their employment. Commercial businesses cannot have a driver with a suspended license and should not have a driver with a reckless driving charge on their record. If they are a private or self-owned company, their insurance rates could increase because now they have established a record of reckless driving. Individuals should speak to a knowledgeable attorney in Columbia to help fight the charges of a reckless driving offense.

How a Reckless Driving Attorney Could Help

Individuals should find a knowledgeable attorney who is experienced in handling and defending these types of cases. Individuals should want a lawyer who is trying to get the best possible result, being realistic with them about what to expect, and negotiating with the prosecutor to try to get the lowest minimized risk.

Some important steps an attorney would take to help their client out of this kind of case include getting all of the evidence, speaking with the arresting officer or the ticketing officer, starting the negotiation process, and trying to get as much of the facts as possible to see what is the best way to challenge the case. They want to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case and decide whether they could negotiate the charge or be prepared to go to trial and try to beat it. They will do all the legwork necessary to be prepared for whatever outcome, either through negotiations of a plea offer or through a fight at trial.

Call today to learn more about how an attorney could help avoid or fight the Columbia reckless driving by speed consequences.

Columbia Reckless Driving By Speed Lawyer