Clemson Gun Lawyer

Gun rights are treasured by those who own or use firearms. While the U.S. Constitution provides for the right to bear arms, there are limitations to these rights. Federal and state law regulates the use of firearms and greatly penalizes those who use guns in the commission of a separate crime. However, your gun case could be overcharged, improperly investigated, or may be a mistake. You have the right to present a defense to every charge, no matter the circumstances.

A Clemson gun lawyer can help build a defense in an effort to protect you from these serious charges. Protect your rights by scheduling a consultation today.

The Seriousness of Gun Crimes

Gun crimes are very serious, but there are different levels depending on the conduct alleged by the prosecutor. Some gun charges are misdemeanors. This means that prison sentences are limited to up to one year and fines tend to be much lower. Other gun crimes are felonies and can carry decades in prison and very high fines. They can also result in the loss of your right to own a gun, to vote, or to serve on a jury.

Instead of or after incarceration, probation and parole are options often used by judges in gun crime cases. Supervision requirements exist for both probation and parole, but a qualified defense attorney can help a defendant understand and follow these requirements.

Commonly Charged Gun Offenses in South Carolina

State prosecutors tend to take gun crimes very seriously, especially those associated with other criminal offenses. Violations of gun regulations, carrying rules, or other legal requirements can result in serious penalties a defendant would like to avoid.

There are several different kinds of gun laws in the state, but some of the most commonly charged include:

  • Possession by individual disqualified from owning a firearm, such as felons
  • Possession or use of an imitation weapon
  • Possession of gun in areas they are not permitted
  • Possession of an illegal weapon
  • Possession of a weapon by someone underage
  • Possession of a weapon for an illegal purpose
  • Possession of a gun without the proper licenses

When a gun is used in connection with another serious offense, such as a robbery, it can significantly increase the potential penalties of that offense. Gun law violations can quickly escalate a case and the defendant could risk many years in prison.

Gun crime cases require experienced legal counsel at the defendant’s side. These cases can be complicated, and proper understanding of the law and how to navigate the system may make a major difference in the possible outcomes.

Defending Gun Charges in Court

There are defenses a defendant can utilize to fight back against gun charges by the prosecutor. Commonly utilized defenses include:

  • Filing a suppression motion
  • Demonstrating an alibi to the alleged crime
  • Showing that reasonable doubt exists
  • Show that defendant had proper licensure for gun
  • Police failed to properly handle evidence or investigate case

These potential defenses and many more can be put to work for the defendant. A qualified gun defense lawyer can help.

Defend Your Case: A Gun Defense Attorney in Clemson Can Help

Gun charges are serious and your defense should be taken just as seriously. You deserve a customized defense that is right for your particular situation. The right attorney can help make a difference in your ability to defend your case.

An experienced Clemson gun lawyer is ready to fight by your side and defend your case. Schedule a consultation today.