Lexington Possession of Marijuana Lawyer

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S. While marijuana has gained notoriety in the media with the legalization in numerous states across the U.S., it is still an illegal substance under federal and under South Carolina law; punishable as a criminal charge. In fact, the penalties for possession of marijuana in South Carolina depend almost entirely on how much, the weight amount, that is in possession at the time of the arrest.

The consequences of possession of marijuana can be devastating and can have long-term ramifications for an individual’s life. Therefore, if you have been accused of being in possession of marijuana, you will need the help of an experienced Lexington possession of marijuana lawyer to aid you through the legal process. Speak to an experienced drug attorney to get started on building your defense.

Categories of Marijuana Possession

The charges for marijuana possession depend, almost entirely, on the amount that an individual possesses. There are three categories in which this falls under including possessing, possessing with the intent to distribute, distributing, manufacturing, and trafficking.

  • Possession- What is defined as simple possession of marijuana is if an individual has less than one ounce in their possession at the time of the arrest. This charge is a misdemeanor and may result in 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $200. For a subsequent offense, an individual may also be charged with a misdemeanor, but face up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
  • Distribution / Possession with the Intent to Distribute- Distributing is a felony defined as giving out or selling marijuana to other individuals. If you are caught with more than one ounce of marijuana but less than ten pounds, you may be charged with distributing which could result in a fine of up to $5,000 and jail time of up to time five years. If you are found guilty of distributing no less than 10 pounds but no more than 2,000 pounds of marijuana, you may face one year in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
  • Manufacturing- Manufacturing is production, preparation, and processing of marijuana to be sold or distributed. More commonly, this is someone or an organization that grows marijuana. If convicted of manufacturing, an individual may face up to 30 years in prison as well as a fine up to $200,000.
  • Trafficking Marijuana

Understanding South Carolina in the Larger Context

Recreational use of marijuana, to this day, is still illegal in the state of South Carolina. While it is true that you can travel to various states such as California and Colorado and legally purchase and consume recreational marijuana, you are not permitted to bring it back into South Carolina. Regardless if the marijuana was purchased in a state that has legalized recreational use, it is still a criminal offense to possess it in South Carolina. In fact, you can be prosecuted separately for transporting an illegal drug from one state into another under federal law.

While the law may be confusing, it is not an admissible defense to say that you were unaware of the rules and regulations. However, if you have been arrested with possession of marijuana, you can contact a knowledgeable lawyer who does know plausible defenses that may help you win your case.

How a Lexington Possession of Marijuana Attorney Can Help

The clock starts the moment you are arrested for possession, and the prosecution will quickly begin to build a case against you. That is why you need to act fast and obtain the experience and dedication of a Lexington possession of marijuana lawyer to review your case and inform you of your rights and legal options.

Do not wait, contact a skilled legal professional today.