Myrtle Beach Student Defense Lawyer

College years are a time of gaining new experiences and growth for many. These can be some of the most memorable years of a person’s life. For many students, it is their first time away from home. Unfortunately, with the lack of experience and the newfound freedom, students often find themselves dealing with legal matters or disciplinary actions at the institution they attend.

While legal trouble or disciplinary actions do not necessarily mean suspension or expulsion, taking the case seriously and preparing a powerful defense with a criminal attorney is essential. Schedule a meeting with a seasoned Myrtle Beach student defense lawyer at Price Benowitz for more information.

Common Student Criminal Cases

Some of the common criminal cases students face include:

  • Disorderly conduct
  • Underage driving
  • Marijuana and other drug possession
  • Impaired driving 
  • Sexual assault
  • Using a fake identification card to enter a bar or club
  • Drunk in public or open container citations
  • Hazing

A Myrtle Beach student defense attorney could help create a sound defense plan and fight for a fair and favorable outcome. They can also represent the student facing criminal charges through campus disciplinary action and hearings.

Campus Disciplinary Actions and Hearings

The campus issues sanctions against students depending on the severity of what they are accused of. Further, each college and university has disciplinary processes in the student code of conduct that vary slightly from campus to campus. However, the first step is usually issuing a notification of the charges the student is being accused of and a request for a meeting with the board handling the actions.

During the meeting, they may reach a resolution, such as dropping the charges or the student admitting they are guilty of the offense, or scheduling a hearing. The student’s Myrtle Beach defense attorney and school representative will present oral arguments and evidence, if applicable, during the hearing.

After both parties are finished, the College Disciplinary Review Board will issue a decision of guilty or not guilty. If guilty, they will advise the student on the punishment for the violation.

Due Process Rights of College and University Students

Students have the right to due process during campus disciplinary actions and must understand their rights to ensure fairness and protect themselves. Under 34 Code of Federal Regulations § 300.508, higher education institutions must guarantee students, faculty, and staff facing disciplinary action their constitutional rights to due process during the proceedings. Agencies must have procedures for handling the actions and the option to file a due process complaint when they feel their rights are violated.

While privately owned institutions are able to avoid violations under some federal laws, they are required to comply with many of the same state and federal regulations. A student defense lawyer in Myrtle Beach understands the process and could help resolve the issue and ensure a person has their constitutional right to due process.

Call a Skilled Student Defense Attorney in Myrtle Beach Today

Getting in legal trouble while attending a college or university is frightening, and many fear their education is on the line. While the procedures are different in criminal court and school disciplinary processes, you still have the right to defend yourself against the charges.

Call a hard-working and experienced Myrtle Beach student defense lawyer to schedule your free case evaluation to learn more. During the appointment, we could review your case and options to determine which is most fitting for your unique circumstances.