Things to Know About DUI’s in Summerville
Individuals charged with a DUI offense should take the time to learn more about the things to know about DUI’s in Summerville. An example of this could be trying to learn more about what law enforcement is looking during a DUI stop, what people should do following a DUI charge, and the severity of drinking and driving in the local area. For more insight, be sure to schedule a consultation as soon as possible.
How Heavily are Summerville DUI Laws Enforced?
The drinking and driving laws are heavily enforced in the Summerville area. In some cases, individuals are often required to pass through a DUI checkpoint and undergo a field sobriety test even though they may have initially been pulled over for an unrelated traffic offense. In addition, the prosecution would rarely dismiss a DUI charge. The prosecution would try to make sure that the case results in some sort of conviction in order to deter other drivers from engaging in similar behavior.
What Steps Should Be Taken Following a DUI Charge?
One of the first things that would happen following a DUI charge is the suspension of license. When this happens, the defendant should get in touch with a DUI attorney in Summerville about appealing the license suspension. Following the implied consent hearing, the individual would have 30 days to appeal their license suspension. To begin the appeals process, they would have to file an appeal with the DMV since it is considered an administrative process. Additionally, the defendant wants to present themselves at the initial bench trial date for the DUI which is the date on the ticket.
Where are DUI Stops and Checkpoints Most Commonly Seen in Summerville?
In Summerville, the main areas by the highways are commonly used as DUI check points. For example, there are various checkpoints near Highway 26, especially considering the amount of shops and restaurants that draw traffic to the area. There are also various stops along Highway 78 as well. In addition to the areas, checkpoints could also appear on backroads between Jedburg Road and Orangeburg Road.
At the checkpoints themselves, law enforcement would try to smell alcohol in a person’s car while they ask for a person’s driver’s license. Essentially, they are looking for any reason to believe that someone is under the influence.
Speak with an Attorney to Learn More
There are various things to know about DUI’s in Summerville that an experienced attorney could explain to you. For example, individuals charged with this offense should know about how the community sees DUI enforcement as a good deed for protecting the community. Once charged, individuals should also know about what to do and who to call. In addition, they should be aware of the steps they could take to potentially restore their license in the event that it is suspended. Lastly, an attorney may be able to inform you about the location of checkpoints and what to expect when approaching one.