Unique Aspects About DUI Cases in Summerville

Trying to build a defense following DUI charge could be a tremendous task to take on by yourself. However, by working with an experienced attorney familiar with the unique aspects of DUI cases in Summerville, you would be better able to overcome some of the challenges you might face leading up to trial, such as negotiating a lesser offense with the prosecution.

For more insight about what sets Summerville DUI’s apart from the rest of the State, schedule a consultation today.

Seriousness of DUI’s in Summerville

The reason why DUI’s are heavily prosecuted in Summerville is due to the potential for injury or death in the event of an accident. As a result, law enforcement will do their best to catch and remove a drunk driver. The local community also greatly appreciate law enforcement’s efforts in trying to keep the roads as safe as possible from drunk drivers.

Law enforcement officers also receive statewide recognition if they are able to catch a certain number of DUI’s.Based on public safety, there is an overall sense of positivity regarding the enforcement of DUI laws.

Breath Test Requirements

In South Carolina there are no on-site breath tests. As a result, all breath tests must be taken at a detention center or police station. However, on-site law enforcement would ask individuals to undergo a field sobriety test where they would be checking a person’s eyes, doing a one-legged stance, and doing a nine heel to toe walk and turn. If they have reason to believe that someone is under the influence, they would arrest them and take them to the police station to undergo a breath test. However, individuals are within their right to deny a field sobriety test, but if they do, they would likely be arrested and be required to undergo a breath test.

Unique Summerville Nuances to Know About

Most people do not know that Summerville are prosecuted either in Dorchester County Magistrate Court or Summerville Municipal. In each jurisdiction, the judges are different, making it vital for the attorney representing the defendant to be familiar with how to proceed with both the judges and the prosecution. An example of this is exemplified in the prosecution, where the prosecutors in Dorchester County are a part of the solicitor’s office, whereas the prosecution in Summerville is a  local attorney from the area. In addition, it is important to note that highway patrol are unique from Summerville police or Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office, making it crucial to know how they handle DUI stops and what their regulations are.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Do not wait until your trial is near to get in touch with an attorney about building an offense. The sooner you retain legal assistance, the better your chances are for obtaining a positive result to your case. However, to fully address all the details of your case, you should make sure to work with a lawyer who knows about the unique aspects of DUI cases in Summerville. Call today to begin discussing your case.