Columbia Simple Assault Lawyer
Under Section 16-3-600 of the South Carolina law, assault and battery in the third degree, also known as simple assault, occurs when an individual unlawfully injures another person or they attempt to injure another person with the present ability to do so.
Simple assault is a misdemeanor and it carries up to 30 days in jail plus a fine of up to $500. An example would be if somebody slapped another person with no injuries.
If you have been charged with a criminal offense, it is best to seek help from a tenacious assault attorney who has experience handling these types of cases. A Columbia simple assault lawyer could review the facts of the case and work to help reduce the charges or get the case dismissed.
The Difference Between Assault Offenses
The specific elements of simple assault involve somebody unlawfully injuring another person or attempting to injure another person with the present ability to do so. The only other misdemeanor assault offense is second-degree assault and battery, which occurs when the offense goes up to the next level. It carries up to three years in jail.
The difference between the offenses is that for simple assault, there has to be moderate bodily injury, which is not present in assault and battery third-degree, according to Section 16-3-600 of the South Carolina law. A skilled Columbia simple assault lawyer could help individuals understand the charges against them and how to fight the charges.
Type of Trial For an Assault Case
As a general rule, simple assault cases are initially scheduled for bench trials. Most criminal defense attorneys will have their cases resolved either through a negotiated plea that they worked out with the prosecutor, a dismissal, or a jury trial.
Where Are Simple Assault Cases Heard in Columbia?
Simple assault cases can be heard in numerous courts because this is considered magistrate court. It depends on the location of where the crime occurs. They could be held at the Richland County Central Court on Decker Boulevard or at the City of Columbia Municipal Court on the Justice Square in downtown Columbia. Additionally, they could be at the Pontiac Magistrate Court in Northeast Columbia or the Olympia Magistrate. Those who have been charged with a crime should speak to a diligent attorney in Columbia to determine exactly where their case will be heard.
Penalties For Simple Assault
Simple assault is a misdemeanor that carries up to 30 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500. Individuals facing simple assault charges should be concerned even when they are only facing misdemeanor charges because a conviction will be on their prior record. It could cost them their job and they potentially could go to jail.
There are so many different collateral consequences that could affect their livelihood, their freedom, and their reputation if people found out that they have been charged with assault. A conviction could also affect their standing in the community. It is still serious, even though it is the lowest level of assault. A Columbia simple assault attorney could review the evidence, speak to witnesses, and help you build a defense against the charges.
How a Columbia Simple Assault Attorney Could Help
If you have been charged with assault, you do not need to fight the charges alone. An assault attorney could help you build a defense to avoid the consequences of a conviction. Let a knowledgeable defense attorney protect your rights in and out of court.
Seek help from an experienced Columbia simple assault attorney who can investigate your case and help you build a strong defense. Call today to get started.