Columbia Drug Schedules
A controlled substance is a drug or immediate precursor that is included in Schedules I, II, IV, and V. This includes spirits, wine, malt beverages, or tobacco. It is specifically referenced to schedule controlled substances that are schedule I to V. Non-controlled substances is any substance or chemical of the national ordinance not included in those schedules from I to IV.
If you have any questions about Columbia drug schedules, contact a knowledgeable drug attorney. A Columbia drug lawyer may be able to provide you with more information on this topic.
Columbia Drug Schedules and Federal Drug Schedule
There are two separate statutes that the federal government has for federal controlled substances. They also have a separate statute called the Controlled Substances Act and it is found in the United States Code. The South Carolina Code of Laws has their own set of definitions, but they are very similar with minor differences.
Schedule I is for the most severe and is for the most addicting and dangerous drugs. Schedule V is the least severe and the least addicting. They set these substances apart based on that nature of the danger and, basically, increased the level of addiction.
Definition of a Columbia Schedule Drug
The Columbia drug Schedule classification is split into five levels. Schedule I are drugs with no accepted medical use and a very high potential for abuse. Some examples of a Schedule I would be heroin and LSD. Schedule II includes drugs with a high potential for abuse that can potentially lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. They are also considered very dangerous. Schedule II drugs are also known to have a high potential for drug addiction drugs like cocaine, Vicodin, OxyContin, Demerol, Fentanyl, and Adderall.
Schedule III drugs are drugs that have a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. With Schedule III drugs, the abuse potential is less than Schedule I or Schedule II, but is still considered addicting. Codeine, anabolic steroids, these are examples of Schedule III drugs.
Schedule IV are drugs that have a low potential for abuse and a low risk of dependence. Common examples of Schedule IV drugs are Xanax, Darvocet, Valium, and Ambien.
Schedule V drugs are substances and chemicals that have a lower potential for abuse and consist of preparations of limited quantities of certain narcotics. They are generally used for medicinal purposes. Common Schedule V drugs could be something like Lyrica or anti-diarrheal, numbing types of medication for a cough that requires a doctor’s prescription.
Minimum and Maximum Sentencing
Schedule I is the most severe. It carries the highest penalties. Schedule V is the least severe and has the lowest penalties. Being arrested on a Schedule I crime increases the likelihood of going to prison versus having been arrested for a Schedule V drug.
It is recommended that if you are charged with possessing any of these types of Scheduled drugs, or have any questions about the Columbia drug schedules, to contact an experienced attorney. A Columbia drug lawyer may be able to provide you more information about the severity of these drugs and could also possibly represent you in court.